Key concepts

In this chapter we will explain the basic conventions and the key concepts of Skybrush Studio for Blender so you can start designing a drone show from scratch as smoothly as possible.

Throughout this chapter (and in the rest of this manual) we assume familiarity with Blender itself; if you are new to Blender and 3D modeling in general, you should start with reading or watching a few Blender tutorials. The Blender homepage contains an extensive collection of tutorials. If you prefer to watch video tutorials, we recommend the Blender Fundamentals playlist from YouTube.


  • Blender space units are treated as meters. Refer to the Blender manual to set up the metric unit system.

  • Blender time units are treated as seconds.

  • You can use any convenient framerate you wish, just make sure that it is divisible with the desired output frame rate of your trajectories (e.g., 24 FPS → 4 FPS or 25 FPS → 5 FPS). Note that the internal control loops of most drones run at 1 kHz, 400 Hz or 100 Hz, therefore it is advisable to use 25 FPS instead of 24 to make sure that the trajectory and light samples align nicely with the control loop of the drone.

Mapping of time

Blender uses relative time and this is preserved in the exported Skybrush compiled show files as well. The actual start time of a drone show (in wall clock time) will be set up during the execution phase later on in Skybrush Live.

We strongly recommend you to start your frames with 0, not 1. Frame 0 in Blender will be relative time 0 s in the .skyc output in all cases, regardless of what frame range you export.

Coordinate system

Blender uses a relative coordinate system with X, Y and Z axes. The real world has directions of North-South, East-West and Up-Down in geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude).

The mapping from relative to real coordinates is handled by Skybrush Live during the actual setup of your drone show according to the following rules:

  1. The origin (0, 0, 0) in Blender will be mapped to a so-called show origin in Skybrush Live. This can be moved around freely in your geodetic coordinate system on the map or can be set to a specific value you prefer.

  2. The X, Y and Z axes will be mapped to relative directions of front, left and up, respectively, where front will be called show orientation, which can be rotated freely in Skybrush Live.

  3. Ground level is always at Z = 0.

The table below summarizes all mappings between the relative and absolute coordinate system.

Table 1. Mapping between relative and geodetic coordinate systems
Skybrush Studio for Blender Skybrush Live

(relative coordinates)

(absolute/geodetic coordinates)

(0, 0, 0)

show origin


front (show orientation)





Z = 0

ground level

The takeoff grid

A typical drone show starts with the drones being arranged in a grid-like pattern on the ground. The spacing of the grid is usually between 2 to 4 meters, although it can be even smaller in crowded urban areas where it is hard to find large open spaces. A regular grid is easy to set up, but in certain cases it is more beneficial to shift every second row of the grid by half of the grid spacing to increase the distance between drones a bit further.

Skybrush Studio for Blender will place the drones in a regular grid by default, but you can freely adjust the initial positions of the drones as needed to adapt the takeoff grid to the requirements of the area where the show will be performed.

Formations and transitions

Most drone shows alternate between showing static or dynamic formations (where the drones are arranged in patterns resembling familiar shapes, objects, animals or corporate logos) and performing transitions between the formations. Formations are designed and choreographed artistically, while transitions are typically computed by a path planning algorithm that knows how to make the drones move from the end of one formation to the beginning of the next formation while keeping safe distances between drones to avoid collisions.

In Skybrush Studio for Blender, formations are stored as sub-collections in a top-level collection named Formations. This is a convention that you need to stick to; Skybrush Studio will always look for this collection by name, and it will create one if it does not exist yet. Make sure not to rename this collection. Each sub-collection of the Formations collection is an individual formation, also identified primarily by its name so make sure to use unique names. The objects in a formation may be:

  • Empties, each empty mesh representing a desired position of a single drone in the formation

  • Meshes, each mesh representing a desired position of a single drone in the formation

  • Meshes with a dedicated vertex group named Drones, in which case the position of the mesh is ignored but each vertex in the vertex group indicates a desired position of a drone in the formation

We call the desired positions of the drones within a formation markers. Recall: markers may be the origins of empty or non-empty meshes, or the vertices in a dedicated vertex group of a mesh. It is possible to mix the three types of markers within a single formation, although the most common case is that either you have a number of empties in a formation, or a single mesh where a subset of vertices of the mesh are placed in a vertex group named Drones.

The storyboard

Skybrush Studio for Blender arranges the formations into a list that we call the storyboard of the show. Each entry in the storyboard consists of a start frame when the formation should appear on the sky, a duration, and a reference to one of the formations in the Formations collection. Entries may not overlap with each other and one should ensure that there is enough time between formations to perform a transition. In a typical show, transitions last between 15-30 seconds, depending on the maximum velocity of the drones and the sizes of the formations.

When the show timeline is within the start and end frame of a storyboard entry, Skybrush Studio for Blender ensures that the drones follow the formation markers using standard Blender constraints. When the show timeline is between two formations, Skybrush Studio for Blender will smoothly animate the influence parameters of these constraints automatically to make the drones fly from one formation to the next one. The assignment between drones and markers is calculated on the Skybrush Studio Server when you click on the Recalculate Transitions button on the storyboard panel.

Transition planning

Automatic transitions between two formations are always calculated by Skybrush Studio Server in the background using highly-optimized proprietary maths. Skybrush provides automatic transitions between static, non-staggered formations with the following guarantees:

  • the transitions will be straight line

  • the velocity at the starting and ending point will remain zero

  • the minimum distance between any drones at any time during the transition will not be lower than D/sqrt(2) (equalling roughly 0.7*D), assuming that the minimum distance in the source or target formations is D.

Note that the automatic transition planner tries to find an optimal matching between source and target formations even in dynamic (nonzero starting or ending velocity) or staggered (different starting or ending time of different drones) cases, but without minimum distance guarantees, for the time being.

Return-to-home and landing

A drone show does not end with the last visible formation on the sky — one should also bring the drones back to the takeoff area in a safe manner. This is typically done in two parts: the return-to-home (RTH) maneuver makes the drones fly back above the takeoff area to a designated altitude (typically between 10-20 meters), while the landing maneuver lands them in a straight vertical line. In Skybrush Studio for Blender, the RTH maneuver is simply treated as a transition to an extra formation in which the desired positions of the drones are arranged in a grid identical to the takeoff grid, lifted 10-20 meters above ground. The landing maneuver is optional; the firmware running on Skybrush-compatible drones will land the drones automatically when they reach the end of the show trajectories, therefore you only need to design the RTH maneuver.

While using the regular return to home, it is not guaranteed that each drone will land at the same position where it took off from. In the vast majority of cases, they will land at a different position in the grid. This is intentional; safe collision-free trajectories are easier and faster to design when the software is free to choose which drone should occupy which landing position. If you need to enforce that all drones return to their individual takeoff places, use the smart return to home pro feature that creates a more complex transition for the entire swarm that ensures collision free transition for all drones to their own initial location.

Light design

Skybrush Studio for Blender also supports flawless light design for your drone light shows. In Blender we support a single RGB color to be mapped to each drone at each frame in the timeline by simple baked colors or by complex parametric light effects overlayed to the base color. The RGB color output from Blender will be transformed to the RGB or RGBW color of your led driver on your drones by the Skybrush backend and firmware. There are several smart tools dedicated in Skybrush Studio for Blender for light design, to see these options please checkout the description of the LEDs tab.

Yaw control

Skybrush also supports yaw control as part of a drone show for certain drone types. The yaw angle for yaw control in Skyrush Studio for Blender is simply inferred from the Z component of the global rotation of objects assuming "XYZ Euler" notation. So far there are no specific tools to aid yaw control, it is the responsibility of the designer to create a yaw curve that harmonizes with the concept and spatio-temporal trajectory of the show.

if you wish to use yaw control, change your default drone object template to something that is not as isotropic as the default icosphere, so that you can also visualize your rotations in Blender.

To export yaw control for your show, check the "Export yaw" checkbox in the .skyc export panel.

Useful Blender settings

We suggest you to check the following Blender settings before you start designing your drone show:

  • set the first frame of the scene to 0 (instead of the default 1)

  • set your rendering frame rate to a convenient value

  • If you use a preview frame range separately from the render frame range, make sure it is enabled, otherwise it will return (0, 0) values in the Blender API that might result in erroneous output in certain cases

  • in the View tab on the sidebar of the 3D Viewport Editor set up a convenient Clip Start and End value to make your drones visible during the whole show in case you need to render your show