UAV settings

UAVs settings
Warn about not seen drones

Set timeout for warnings about UAVs without recent telemetry data.

Mark drones as gone

Set timeout for marking a drone as permanently missing.

Forget unseen drones

Enable/disable and set timeout for deleting permanently missing drones fron the scene.

Default battery settings

Cell count

Set assumed LiPo/LiIon cell count used in your drones. This setting helps Skybrush Live to create proper visual warnings for different battery voltage levels.

Full charge

Set voltage level of a fully charged single cell of your battery used on your drones. This setting helps Skybrush Live to create proper visual warnings for different battery voltage levels.

Low threshold

Set voltage level corresponding to the low battery threshold of a single cell of your battery used on your drones. This setting helps Skybrush Live to create proper visual warnings for different battery voltage levels.

Critical threshold

Set voltage level corresponding to the critical battery threshold of a single cell of your battery used on your drones. This setting helps Skybrush Live to create proper visual warnings for different battery voltage levels.

Battery display style

Setup how battery levels should be displayed, in voltage or as a percentage value. Percentage values are not provided by some autopilots, in these cases you can setup Skybrush Live to estimate percentage levels from the above given battery settings or to fall back to displaying voltage levels.

The battery settings are only used to estimate battery levels and to create visual warnings. They are not used to trigger battery failsafe on the drones or to control the drones in any way. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and use the autopilot’s battery monitoring features to ensure safe operation of your drones.

Mission setup

Desired placement accuracy

Set desired placement accuracy for the show control panel. Higher values will tolerate more positioning noise but also require larger distance between takeoff positions. If drones are misplaced over the given placement accuracy threshold, automatic warnings are generated.

Desired heading accuracy

Set desired heading accuracy for the show control panel. If drones are rotated over the given heading accuracy threshold, automatic warnings are generated.