Software installation

Skybrush Sidekick comes in an installation package. Installation is very straightforward and takes only a short time. Please follow the guide below according to your preferred operating system.

Installation on Windows

On Windows 10, Skybrush Sidekick comes in an installation package. Click on the received single executable (.exe) and follow the steps of the installation.

Select whether you would like to install Skybrush Sidekick for the current user or for all users on your system, select the destination of the installation and press the Install button.

The installation creates a shortcut icon on your Desktop and adds Skybrush Sidekick to the list of applications in your Start Menu.

Installation on Linux

On Linux platforms, Skybrush Sidekick comes as a single AppImage executable that can be executed from the command line or by double-clicking on it in the file manager of your choice. No installation is needed.

Ubuntu Linux 24.04 has introduced some changes in its AppArmor configuration that prevents running AppImages in certain configurations. This affects not only Skybrush but also many other applications based on AppImages. You can disable the newly introduced restrictions by running sudo sysctl -w kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0 or by adding kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0 to /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf. Note that these steps require system administrator privileges and disable a built-in security feature of the OS. See here, here and here for more details.

Installation on macOS

On macOS platforms (10.15 or later) Skybrush Sidekick comes as a single disc image file (.dmg) that you need to open in Finder by double-clicking on it. Then you need to drag the new Skybrush Sidekick icon over the Applications folder to install it. Skybrush Sidekick can then be invoked from the Applications folder.

Skybrush Sidekick has no digital signature at the moment. As a consequence, the Gatekeeper security mechanism built into recent macOS versions may prevent the application from starting up. If this happens, right-click on the icon of Skybrush Live (or hold down the key while clicking), and then select menu:Open from the pop-up menu, then confirm your choice by clicking on the Open button again in the pop-up dialog. This will allow Skybrush Live to bypass Gatekeeper security checks in the future.

Uninstalling components

Uninstallation on Windows

If you need to uninstall Skybrush components from your system for any reason, follow the official instructions from the Windows 10 support page to remove them.

Uninstallation on Linux

Simply remove the AppImage file from your system ot uninstall Skybrush Sidekick.

Uninstallation on macOS

Simply drag the Skybrush Sidekick icon from your Applications folder to the Bin on the Dock at the bottom of the screen to uninstall Skybrush Sidekick.