SHOW — Management and execution of drone shows

The messages in this section are used to get or set the configuration of both the drone show and the LED lights on the drones.

SHOW-CFG - Retrieve the current configuration of the drone show

A client sends this request to the server to obtain information about the configuration of the drone show.

The server response contains an object of type DroneShowConfiguration, which for example can contain information about whether the show is authorized to start, the timestamp when the drone show should start, the identifier of the clock that the start time refers to and more.

Request fields

This request has no fields.

Response fields

Name Required? Type Description



Object of type DroneShowConfiguration

Full configuration of a drone show

Example request

  "type": "SHOW-CFG"

Example response

  "type": "SHOW-CFG",
  "configuration": {
    "start": {
      "authorized": false,
      "authorizationScope": "lights",
      "clock": null,
      "time": 1581881192,
      "method": "auto",
      "uavIds": ["01", "42"]
    "mapping": ["01", "02", null, "05", "42"],
    "duration": 294

SHOW-LIGHTS - Retrieve the current configuration of the behaviour of the LED lights on the show drones

A client sends this request to the server to obtain information about the configuration of the behaviour of the LED lights on drones participating in the show.

The server response contains an object of type DroneLightsConfiguration, which can contain information about the type and the color of the light effect used. The type of the light effect can either be off or solid. The former means that the GCS is not controlling the LED lights on the drones, while the latter means that the GCS is asking the show drones to use a solid LED light.

Request fields

This request has no fields.

Response fields

Name Required? Type Description



Object of type DroneLightsConfiguration

Full configuration of the behaviour of the LED lights on a drone during a drone show

Example request

  "type": "SHOW-LIGHTS"

Example response

  "type": "SHOW-LIGHTS",
  "configuration": {
    "color": [0, 128, 255],
    "effect": "solid"

SHOW-SETCFG - Set the current configuration of the drone show

A client sends this request to the server to set the configuration of the drone show.

The server responds either with an ACK-ACK or ACK-NACK message.

Request fields

Name Required? Type Description



Object of type DroneShowConfiguration

Full configuration of a drone show

Response fields

This request has no fields.

Example request

  "type": "SHOW-SETCFG",
  "configuration": {
    "start": {
      "authorized": true,
      "clock": null,
      "time": 1581881192,
      "method": "auto",
      "uavIds": ["01", "42"]
    "mapping": ["01", "02", null, "05", "42"],
    "duration": 294

Example response

  "type": "ACK-ACK"

SHOW-SETLIGHTS - Set the behaviour of the LED lights on the show drones

A client sends this request to the server to set the LED lights behaviour on the drones participating in the show.

The server responds either with an ACK-ACK or ACK-NACK message.

Request fields

Name Required? Type Description



Object of type DroneLightsConfiguration

Full configuration of the behaviour of the LED lights on a drone during a drone show

Response fields

This request has no fields.

Example request

  "type": "SHOW-SETLIGHTS",
  "configuration": {
    "color": [255, 128, 0],
    "effect": "solid"

Example response

  "type": "ACK-ACK"